How to get all the pleasures of the life - magic of positive psychology. Book 1. Free e-book

How to get all the pleasures of the life-Positive psychology It is cool to own something real, because there is not so much real in the world. And the magic Psychology is that true technique which allows to learn by means of mind to grant the desires and to stop readout lost of days and years. Everything begins to find sense owing to Magic Psychology.

It is necessary, to be on the sunny side of a life, should learn to define influences of negative Yin energy and positive Yang energy. Negative Yin energy and positive Yang energy connect to emotional streams very closely and with your fortune. The sunny side of a life connects to positive Yang energy. Positive energy can be accumulated and transformed from negative energy. If you sincerely want to solve your problems, to grant your desires and to realize your dreams, it is necessary for you to move purposefully to the sunny side of life. Only there, you will find a guarantee that everything, you want, will come true and you'll get all the pleasures of the life.
Every second , minute turn into year and if the person expects happiness, but does not go aside the sunny side of a life, his chances to find what he wants and to construct around himself that world which he wants, are lost for ever.

It is impossible to waste precious time, it is necessary to act and deliberate move aside the happy life side. If not to do so, it is not worth to expect, that lovely, favorite and dear people always will be near you. It is not worth to expect, that you become rich, conditions of residing become more comfortable and colleagues on work become amiable.

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