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Feng shui elements - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood

Feng shui elements, description, usage, significants, cycles of elements

The main feng shui conception  is the theory of 5 elements. They consider the interaction of Ying and Yang gives the birth to five corner stones ( initial basics and initial elements), they are the ground for all subjects and nature, these five elements make eternal.

According to Chinese philosophy, everything is constantly changing and interacting and everything happens through five main feng shui elements and the nature consists from these 5 elements:

feng shui elements
feng shui elements
feng shui elements
feng shui elements
feng shui elements

This elements are in every subject, landscape or natural phenomenon and you can meet it in a pure version very rare.  The main feng shui purpose is to make such interior, all subjects reflect only positive energy and bring happiness.  Feng shui traditional knowledge and all its guidelines are based on these five feng shui elements. Therefore, when wishing to harmonize a place according to feng shui these elements must be properly employed according to their characteristics and effects.

The detailed information about five elements and a lot of secrets of usage this elements you will find in my e-book "Create Your Luck with Personal Feng Shui"

Articles related to feng shui elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood - descriptoin, usage, significants, cycles of elements

Feng shui elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood - descriptoin, usage, significants, cycles of elements

Articles related to Feng shui elements - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood


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