Encouraging Positive Energy with Family and Friends

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When friends come to call and family arrives for a visit, are your interactions tense and stilted or is everyone relaxed and welcoming? You may be surprised to know that any negative or uncomfortable reactions your friends and family have in the space may be directly caused by your decor. While it is not a conscious emotion, different elements that can cause negative energy may make your guests shy away from coming to visit. Use the feng shui tips and tricks below to make the home the warm and welcoming space that you want it to be for both your family and your friends.

Color Defines
If you are entertaining in the family room and the walls are painted the wrong color, you may find that you are counting the minutes until your guests leave. Instead of dreading when friends come to call, paint the walls a soothing blue or green to encourage warmth and interaction. These natural colors are welcoming and ideal for a space where harmony and love are interposed in the relationships. You may also want to incorporate the colors in the fabrics and accessories that you have around the room, as well. This will help draw the eye and create a much more harmonious decor.

It`s Alive!

Breathe life on your friendships and family relationships by incorporating living plants in the decor. Tall, potted green plants are ideal, as they add in the natural green coloring while also bringing the element of life and vitality to the space. Large, leafy plants are more welcoming that stringy or spidery plants that tend to be more uncomfortable in their energy and presence.


Picture This
Another feng shui principle that can help build harmony and relationships in decor is the use of pictures and photos of family and friends. Not only do these images subtly remind you and your guests of cherished moments and love, they also symbolize the importance of the relationships. Frame the pictures in natural wood frames and display them in your living and entertaining space. They will be a happy, welcome reminder of those you care about.

Fresh Cut Flowers
Bright cheerful daisies and sunflowers can bring a lot of color and cheer to a family space. Feng shui design encourages the use of fresh flowers in spaces where there is relationship building as they symbolize happiness and harmony. While it may not be practical to keep a vase of fresh cut flowers in your living room at all times, when you are preparing to entertain, be sure that there are flowers in the space. It is also important to remember that when the flowers begin to fade, it is time to replace them. Dying and dead flowers give off negative energy that you do not want in your home.


There may not be a magic cure to fix all relationship issues, but there are things that you can do to make interactions easier. The feng shui ideas above can help you have the happy, loving relationships you desire with just a few changes in your decor. Take the time to make your home a welcoming escape for all who enter.

 Jessica Ackerman of WallDecorandHomeAccents.com, is an interior designer who illustrates how simple it can be to use southwestern wall art and extra large wall art.

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