Positive Thinking Does not Work?!

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Nowadays tendency to be happy with positive thinking works not, say a lot of people, all of this is idle talk. This people constantly tell themselves to think more positively, to be pointed on positive side of the situation, but this works not.

We are made up of energy that vibrates at a specific frequency. Everything we do, feel, think, etc. also vibrates with energy and this energy surrounds us. Universe constantly reflects back the energy we're vibrating.

So, when you are thinking positive but are also feeling worried, fear or doubt, the Universe picks up on all yourvibrational signals and feeds back to you an experience of a similar vibration. Usually what happens is that your 'negative' emotions cancel out your positive thinking.

Sometimes your 'negative' emotions are stronger in frequency (they're more frequent) than your positive thinking and you attract more thoughts, emotions and experiences that help you feel more fear, worried, and doubtful. This is when it feels like you're spiraling out of control.

So many of us have interpreted the desire to be positive thinkers in a very narrow and ultimately ineffective way. The push to be positive often results in ignoring our true feelings. Instead of recognizing that we don't always feel positive and learning how to convert and turn round our feelings, (read more comprehensive how to convert and turn round in my e-book Steps to gain the treasures of the life - magic of positive psychology. Book 2 ) it so often ends up with us denying them altogether.

One more reason why positive thinking doesn't work is that our focus is in the wrong place. So we say "I don't want to be ill" and believe that this thought will prevent us from being ill. So where is our focus? On being ill! Because the Universe doesn't recognize "not" or "don't".

How many times have you told yourself NOT to forget something and then what happens? Oops you've forgotten it!

How can you begin to reverse this? Rather than focusing on your thoughts, focus on your feelings about a given situation or what you would like the situation to be. Start to visualise and sense what you truly desire. Focus on ramping up good, positive, energetic feelings about what you desire, rather than the thought. In fact, instead of being a positive thinker, aim to become a positive feeler - it's much more resulting and real.

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