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Nowadays a purse, except its main function to store money, has several more functions: it can be a fashion accessory, be the subject laying stress on the owner's abundance and his ordinance. However the purse has one the most important function - attract and multiply money. The right fitted size and color of your purse will assist unless the total prosperity, than constant flow of money. Such purse will always have enough money.

How to determine your purse attracting money? For this purpose first of all you should build individual feng shui map according to your date of birth and to discover the auspicious color and then depending on the required positive result (flow of money, attracting love, attracting helpful people, etc.) to determine the dimensions of the purse.

Such purse will bring money for the person with white as money color

Purse attracting money 

This purse will attract happiness

Purse attracting money 

Also you should stick or enclose Three Chinese coins tied with red ribbon in to your purse to stimulate ceaseless flow of money.

To discover your individual money color and imperial money dimensions go to my e-book Create your luck with personal feng shui


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