Representing Elements in A Home Office

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There are five elements in the feng shui doctrine - earth, fire, water, metal, and wood -each of which should be adequately represented in your home office if you are trying to maximize your positive chi and make the most of the room`s energy. If you miss even one element, you may be opening yourself up to chaos and destruction, based on the specific element that is lacking in the room. Here are some ideas to help with representing elements in a home office:


You can represent the earth element in a variety of different ways, depending on your personal taste and what you want to promote in your office. Jade statues are perfect to ward off fire, and this is a great idea in a room where you leave equipment, like a computer or laptop, running almost constantly. A ceramic or clay pot with a live plant is another excellent idea, as it represents the element in two different ways, with a growing plant and clay or ceramic, which come from the Earth.


Obviously, you cannot light a fire in your home office as a means of representing the fire element. Instead, use bright colors or bright artwork to represent the fire element in a dramatic and unique way. Live flowers in bright reds and yellows are perfect, as long as they are not in hanging baskets. In addition, natural lighting is a very good representation of fire, since it involves the sun, which is one of the main symbols for fire.


It is easy to represent the water element in your home office without going to a lot of trouble or making a mess. A small fishbowl is a perfect choice, and they are normally very easy to maintain. Artwork that features the ocean, wavy lines, a lake, or a pond is another excellent choice. Deep blues and grays are ideal colors for representing this element, as are trace amounts of black, even though water is technically transparent.


Metal can be one of the trickier elements to have represented in a home office, because so many people find metals to be cold and lifeless. The legs on your desk may be metal, and that is a great representation of this element, as would be a metal planter for live plants. The shinier the better for positive chi attraction, as dull metals tend to repel positive chi and attract more negative energy.


The easiest element to introduce to your home office is wood, since there are so many diverse methods of using this element. Potted plants that grow upward are perfect, and tall, thin bookshelves made from wood are another great representation of the wood element in a home office. Deep browns, leafy greens, and shades of true purple (those without gray undertones) are ideal to decorate with, but be very careful not to use too many of the earth element shades to represent wood. You can use artwork and wall art, murals or prints, as well as furniture and accents to represent wood beautifully and creatively.

  This article was written by Jessica Ackerman of - your best online source for french wall art and asian wall art.

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