Representing The Feng Shui Elements in the Dining Room

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Decorating a home in the feng shui style means that each room within the home should represent each of the five feng shui elements. Representing the feng shui elements in the dining room is very simple once you understand the basics about these five elements. Each has a strong presence already in specific rooms, such as metal in the bathroom or water in the kitchen, and sometimes it is only a matter of balancing the other four elements in the most efficient manner.

Representing The Feng Shui Elements in the Dining Room


 The water element is important in the dining room, since it represents the very foundations of life. Represent this element in a powerful way through color, shape, patterns, and icons, meaning that you have a broad range of ideas to match almost any decor or style. Water and metal work very well together, but keep water away from the earth to avoid destruction and chaos in the dining room area.


 Fire is one of the most powerful of the five elements, since it is very destructive but necessary for passion and energy. Like water, you can use many different methods to represent fire in the dining room, but one of the most common choices is by placing candles on the dining room table. Lit or unlit, they are a reminder of togetherness, romance, and passion, and a great way to add a touch of fire without overwhelming the room in energy.


 Another representation of our humble roots, the earth element goes back to the things that we need in order to survive and is symbolic of family together time. Earth is best paired with fire, through a variety of artwork and color combinations usually, but keep the earth representation away from the water element to avoid disaster. One of the most popular ways to represent earth in the dining room is through crystal, such as a chandelier, or glassware.


 Although metal is another powerful element, it is not one of the most powerful elements in the dining room. It cooperates very well with the water element, such as a metal-framed photograph of waves, metal and glass aquarium, or many forms of modern artwork. Many people use metal accessories to represent this element, but coins and tigers are great ideas for something unique to represent metal. Fire and metal do not mix, and should be kept far away from each other to prevent disaster.


 Finally, the wood element is often easily expressed in the dining room through traditional or modern furniture choices, from the dining room table and chairs to china cabinets and buffets. Live plants are also a common choice to represent the wood element, especially blooms to add fragrance to the space. If you do not represent wood adequately, you could add an air of depression in the dining space, making few people want to return to the room. Balance the wood with water for a great combination, but avoid pairing woods with metals since they cause chaos within this space.


Senior staff writer for, Alyssa Davis, offers design advice on decorating with outdoor metal wall hanging and decorative metal coat racks.


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