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Here are the absolute 10 basics for Feng Shui beginners

1. The most important and central thing is Clear the clutter. The cleaner your space, the more energy can flow.

2. The water fountains or the fish tanks in the house should be placed in your favorable direction or area to help your get whatever you want. To know this area will help my book The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches

3. Balance your main/entrance door. Paint it according to your individual feng shui map. No shoes beside the door The doorway to your house is where Chi comes in. Try to avoid keeping shoes right beside the main door as the Chi picks up the smell and brings sickness into the house.

4. Avoid marble furniture and any marble images, because it increases the work pressure and causes the fragmentation and instability in your life. The same situation is with mirror mosaic.

5. Face the door while You're asleep Avoid having the foot of your bed directly in line with your doorway, because your energy shifts.

6. Rearrange Your furniture Less is better as having too many pieces of furniture makes a room cluttered and prevents the flow of new and positive opportunity. Refer to my detailed e-book on specific placement suggestions The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches

7. Use imperial sizes for every subject at your home. Every subject MUST be only of fortunate dimensions, discover more from my e-book Create your luck with personal feng shui

8. Avoid placing mirrors opposite beds Having a mirror opposite your bed may attract a third individual to the relationship or cause problematic sleep.

9. Keep always the bedroom doors, closet doors, bathroom doors closed, as it helps you to have a healthy relationship as well as helps strengthen your health.

10. Select right colors. Colors should compliment the nature of a room as well as its direction.


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