Feng Shui Tips for Cats

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Feng shui is often used within the home to enhance the harmony and positive energy. Although humans can definitely benefit from feng shui practices, it's important to remember that animals also respond to the forces of energy. In fact, many people believe that animals are even more tuned in to variations in energy than what humans are. Both dogs and cats are sensitive, but cats seem to be particularly in tune to picking up energy vibrations, both of the positive and negative variety. If you have one or more cats in your home, you can enhance their life while creating more harmony between you and your pets by implementing a few feng shui principles.

Duplicating a Natural Environment

Although your cat may never go outside, it can be helpful to bring a bit of nature indoors to help simulate its natural environment. Try to look at your home through the eyes of your cat. While you walk around your home viewing things from approximately five feet up or more, your cat looks at almost everything from very close to the ground. You might have many natural decorating accessories in your home, but your cat may never get a chance to see them. To see your home from your cat's point of view, try getting down on your hands and knees and take a look around. You might be surprised at what you see from that perspective. Try adding a beautiful potted floor plant, or bring a large decorative rock indoors to display beside the fireplace. These small touches will enhance the natural appeal of your home, even when viewed from the floor. You can also get special containers of catnip and cat grass, which can be a great way to provide an enjoyable touch of nature for your cat.

Creating Less Clutter for Your Cat

While you are taking a look at your home from your cat's vantage point, pay special attention to floor clutter. Clutter can be the source of negative energy, and since your cat is closer to the floor, they are going to feel more of it. Many people believe that this is one of the reasons why cats tend to jump up on furniture, tables, countertops and other places where they don't belong - they are simply trying to find a less cluttered and more positive area. Take a look at the rooms in your home and try to imagine a river running through them. If there are areas where the water could not get through, these are also areas where negative energy tends to accumulate. To make matters worse, these "log jam" areas where negative energy tends gets stuck are often in the corners - which may be where you have placed your cat's bed and other items of cat furniture. To create a better flow of energy for both you and your cat, go through your home and find other storage areas for anything that is currently sitting on the floor. The less cluttered your floor, the happier both you and your cat will be. It can also help to move your cat's bed, climbing tower, or other pieces of cat furniture to a more central location, instead of placing them in corners.

This article was written by Alyssa Davis of Metal-Wall-Art.com who specializes in creating stylish interiors with outdoor metal wall art and dragonfly wall art.

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