Feng Shui in the Dorm Room

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The average dorm room is small and has a tendency to become cluttered and crowded. Unfortunately, cluttered and messy surroundings can be detrimental to one's ability to concentrate and focus on school work. If you are traveling to school this year or are the parent of a student, here are some tips on how to apply feng shui principles to a school dorm room. Not only will this make the room more conducive to study, but it will also be a more pleasurable place to live.

Choosing Your Furniture

When choosing furniture for the dorm room, keep efficient storage in mind. A full height bookcase can be an excellent choice, since it will provide a lot of storage area while taking up very little floor space. Choose furniture items with drawers whenever possible. If you have plenty of storage options available, the room will be much less likely to become cluttered. Place your bed so that the headboard is against a solid wall, positioned so that when you are lying in bed you can still see the door. Try to keep the floor area as clear as possible, as this will encourage a good energy flow throughout the room and make the living space feel more spacious.

Organizing the Study Area

Whenever possible, place your desk against the east wall or in the north east corner, since this is the direction that focuses on wisdom. Choosing a desk that includes a file drawer can help you keep your papers organized. Although having at least some papers on the top of the desk is almost unavoidable, you should make an effort to clean the top of your desk every night before going to bed or when leaving the room. Minimally, you should make sure your books and papers are neatly stacked. This will encourage positive energy and make you feel much more energized when it is time to sit down and study. It will also make you feel good when you first wake up or enter the room to see your desk neatly organized.

Decorating for Good Feng Shui

Even though dorm rooms are small, there are still some effective decorating techniques you can use to make the most of the space. If your room has a window, hang a crystal where it can reflect the light. This will help to reflect positive energy and make the room more cheerful. Hang posters or artwork on the walls. In most cases it's not allowable to paint dorm room walls, so it's important to add some artwork. Beautiful landscape prints can be especially nice. A seascape print can be useful for adding the Water element to your dorm room. Pictures of family and friends can also add positive energy to the room. You should also have at least one plant in your room. When choosing accessories, the color green can be energizing and good for prosperity and personal growth. Choose blue and black accessories to encourage your future career and personal wisdom. Gray, white and metallic shades will encourage learning and wisdom.

Veronica Smith with AmericanArtisanArt.com has developed an interest in expanding the use of metal wall art as well as contemporary abstract wall art.

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